Real-time app review tracking

Socketkit provides real-time tracking and search on AppStore and PlayStore application reviews with country, application and version filtering.

Real-time review tracking for AppStore & Playstore

Monitor your app and business reviews

Real-time review tracking helps you to protect your brand and your revenue. Easily get reviews on Slack, email, discord.

Platform Support

Track reviews on all major platforms including Slack, Discord and email.

Leverage your existing tools

No need to visit both AppStore and PlayStore to track your application reviews

Convert to Leads

Understand the issues and connect with your customers with better support

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

All the features you need to increase your revenue by understanding your customers needs and feedback.

Invite team members

Give access to your support team for better targeting.


Filter through thousands of reviews to understand where you did wrong.

Instant Search

Search your reviews just like you search on your favorite search engine.


Get instant notifications for certain triggers.


Find what you need with advanced filters, bulk actions, and quick views.


Understand your general performance and identify potential issues on different countries.


Access recommendations before your revenue gets affected.

Mobile app

Get push notifications on Socketkit mobile application. Currently in alpha.

Ready to dive in?Start your free trial today.

We offer a 14 day free trial for all new users.

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App screenshot